First Board Level Cybersecurity course successfully delivered!

What a great feeling, our first Board Level Cybersecurity course successfully delivered! Our favourite feedback: "The course was excellent awesome content"

Board Level Cybersecurity course structure
Board Level Cybersecurity course structure

Awesome content

What a great feeling, our first Board Level Cybersecurity course successfully delivered!

Our favourite feedback: "The course was excellent awesome content"

A great big thank you to our first attendees for their level of engagement and feedback. It's always great when presenting to have an interactive audience who respond to you. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and hearing from the attendees what resonates and concerns them.

Learning from the attendees

One of the reasons we provide the course is to learn from the attendees. During the course it was fascinating to observer some of the reactions. Here are some that may be relevant to you:

The Ransomware and Bitcoin content stimulated a lot of discussion especially around anonymity of cryptocurrencies and tracking activities. A live demonstration showed a wallet owned by an attack group being 'explored' to see how much money they had made and to determine which time zone they operated.
Business Email Compromise and specifically the example of a Finance Manager transferring millions to a foreign bank after the CEO was impersonated caused a lot of concern. These scams are becoming more common and starting to compete with ransomware in terms of cost to businesses.
A surprise for us was the level of interest in keystroke loggers and yes it's shocking that these are openly sold on well known on-line market places. The legitimate use of such technology is questionable at best.
Password storage in browsers was another gem that generated discussions especially around the password strength testing and the use of password managers and secure USB storage. The functionality in modern browsers is great but it's hard to find and password managers are, in our opinion, better.
Application level attacks gained the greatest level of surprise and shock. The example provided showed that some attacks are 'passive' and don't even need someone at a keyboard to be disruptive!

Great feedback

It is always great to receive positive feedback and here are some of the positive comments we received following the course:

"Overall thought it was tremendous"

"The course was excellent awesome content, great level and pace"

"I for one learned a lot"

Lessons learnt

Great feedback is good to receive and it makes us feel a sense of accomplishment but other insights from 'the receiving side of the course' are priceless. Here are some of them....

The course has now been broken down in to four distinct modules of about 1 hour in duration each. This allows for a convenient 5 minute break after each with a 15 minute lunch break - time for a cup of tea, small snack or to send that urgent message.

The course has been condensed to one day to accommodate busy diaries - so there's no excuse not to book your slot.

The course registration has been re-designed so that attendees can complete the Cybersecurity quiz ahead of the course and also give permission to receive emails as part of a live cybersecurity demonstration.

Finally, the module on Board Level Cybersecurity Governance has been complemented with additional supporting slides and detail. This helps to give practical steps to establish or enhance cybersecurity governance.

Timing and attendee limits

This course runs from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm usually on the first Tuesday of each month. To ensure effective delivery the number of attendees is capped at five.


The course is delivered over Microsoft Teams and includes several live demonstrations and talking points to help aid learning. Delivery is relaxed with an opportunity to ask questions as we progress and share insights.

Getting in touch

If you want to learn more about how to protect your company from cybersecurity threats, sign up for our board level cybersecurity course today.

You will learn from Jonathan Evans, a former Head of Global IT Security at Rothschild and Co, who has extensive experience in managing cybersecurity for financial institutions.

Secure your spot now and get ready to take charge of your cybersecurity.

For course availability and pricing, please email: