Board level cybersecurity warning signs

End of life systems should be a major concern for any board. What are you doing to manage the ICT risks associated?

Picture of the Microsoft logo with red, green, blue and yellow squares.
Microsoft logo

Microsoft has just announced Extended Security Updates for Windows Server 2012 (for a further 3 years). There will be a lot of relieved CIOs, ITSM and CISOs. It gives them more time to get their house in order.

Windows Server 2012/R2: Extended Security Updates
Get additional years of Extended Security Updates (ESUs) as you modernize your Windows Server 2012/R2 on Azure.

Board level cybersecurity governance

Boards need to watch out for cybersecurity warning signs by talking to their CIOs, ITSMs and CISOs. Find out what they need and provide them with what's required to succeed or accept the cybersecurity risk associated.

Yellow flag

For Boards, if you are still running Windows Server 2012 this should be a yellow flag warning of either a capability or resource deficiency. It clearly demonstrates IT are struggling and need new leadership, new technology or more resource and support from you.

Technical debt

It is critical to your Cybersecurity that IT teams avoid technical debt by keeping all systems current and up to date. Technical debt will result in systems not being patched and cybersecurity exposures that increase your risk of a cybersecurity incident such as ransomware.

Red flags

For Boards, red flags are highlighted by servers running end of life operating systems that are on a network with other up to date systems. Obsolete systems need to be segregated with additional Threat Protection and Threat Detection controls applied.

How can IT Security Locksmith help?

IT Security locksmith offer a short course on Board Level Cybersecurity. The course is delivered by Jonathan Evans former Head of Global IT Security at Rothschild and Co. Jonathan has extensive hands-on experience of managing IT Security / Cybersecurity for other well-known financial institutions including UBS, HSBC and Barclays.

More information on the course can be found here:

Board Level Cybersecurity course
A short course on Cybersecurity for senior executives.

About IT Security Locksmith

IT Security Locksmith are a cybersecurity company that specialises in board level training and consultancy.

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