Website terms

1.1 By continuing to access the site or use resources on it you accept these terms.

Using our website

1.2 Although IT Security Locksmith has made reasonable efforts to ensure material on this site are up to date and accurate, IT Security Locksmith do no accept any liability, whether express or implied, for loss or damage resulting from the use of material.

1.3 You agree to keep your account and credentials secure at all times.

1.4 IT Security Locksmith does not guarantee materials are virus free. Downloading material is at your own risk and you should scan material for viruses prior to download.

1.5 IT Security Locksmith reserves the right to terminate access for any user it determines is behaving in a manner.

1.6 The material on our website is provided for general information only and it is not intended to amount to advise on which you should rely.

Rules about linking to our site

1.7 You may link to the IT Security Locksmith site provided it does not damage our reputation.

1.8 You must not establish a link that forms an association or endorsement by IT Security Locksmith.

1.9 Unless otherwise stated, the copyright in the material on this site, including images, text and data are owned by IT Security Locksmith Ltd.

1.10 IT Security Locksmith makes every effort to acknowledge third-party copyright. If this has been omitted please email: for it to be corrected.

1.11 Where third party copyright material is used the copyright of the material remains with the third party concerned.